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Built in 1982, it was remodeled in 1998. It is owned and managed by the Castelo de Vide Town Hall. It is 40 meters long, 20 meters wide and 20 meters high, artificial lighting is provided by floodlights, the floor is made of wooden blocks and there are 500 seats plus a 100 foot stand for the public. It has spas with heated water.
The municipal gymnasium pavilion can be adapted to accommodate large events. It is a space with about 1000m2 of floor space and benches. The space is prepared to receive and welcome public, has a bathroom, showers and technical rooms.
It is equipped with ventilation and heating system. It also has a sound installation.
It can be used for parties, congresses, presentations, etc.
More information can be obtained from the central services of the City Hall.
The municipal gymnasium pavilion can be adapted to accommodate large events. It is a space with about 1000m2 of floor space and benches. The space is prepared to receive and welcome public, has a bathroom, showers and technical rooms.
It is equipped with ventilation and heating system. It also has a sound installation.
It can be used for parties, congresses, presentations, etc.
More information can be obtained from the central services of the City Hall.
Construído em 1982, foi remodelado em 1998. É propriedade e gerido pela
Câmara Municipal de Castelo de Vide. Tem 40 metros de comprimento, 20 de
largura e 20 metros de altura, a iluminação artificial é fornecida por
projectores, o piso é de tacos de madeira e existem 500 lugares sentados mais
100 de pé, para o público. Possui balneários com água aquecida.
O pavilhão gimnodesportivo municipal pode ser adaptado parapoder acolher
eventos de grande dimensão. Trata-se de um espaço com cerca de1000m2 de área
útil e bancadas. O espaço está preparado para receber e acolherpúblico, dispõe
de casa de banho, balneários e salas técnicas.
Está equipado com sistema de ventilação e aquecimentocentra. Dispõe ainda
de instalação sonora.
Pode ser utilizado para festas, congressos, apresentações,etc.
Mais informações podem
ser obtidas junto dos serviçoscentrais da Câmara Municipal.