At the exit of Castelo de Vide in the direction of Portalegre we find this majestic fountain of the end of the century. XVII. Everything indicates that before this, there was another one. The present fountain is of great proportions having a pond for animals. Built in its entirety in granite, it has a set of nine pillars, in the intervals of five pillars on a frame that runs the length of the basin, has four spouts embedded in white marble dolphins. In the upper part all the pillars have the respective capitals but, nevertheless, this source did not arrive to be totally finished because it is noticed the lack of a tympano superior.
Legend of the Martinho Fountain (Castelo de Vide)
Version of Castelo de Vide, counted by Maria Francisca, collected and published by Maria Guadalupe Transmontano Alexandre (1976) - Ethnography, Language and Folklore of Castelo de Vide, Viseu, District Council of Portalegre: 61 - 62.
There were kings who had a daughter who was dating.
There were kings who had a daughter who was dating.
As the suitor at the hands of the princess was not to their parents' liking, they decided to enchant her at Lake Martin, which they did at night.
They simply did not see that at one end of the fountain was a crouching woman.
Since there were no clocks, she got up to go wash, judging that it was later.
Since there were no clocks, she got up to go wash, judging that it was later.
Between midnight and one hour three people arrived at the lake: father, mother and daughter.
After being entrusted to the princess a great wealth (they gave her money), she was enchanted with the recommendation to offer the treasure to whom it was disenchanted.
The next day, the woman who attended the scene went to the fountain and cried out for the girl.
She came, was disenchanted and told her:
"Your wealth could be doubled if you had waited another three or four years."
"Your wealth could be doubled if you had waited another three or four years."
Á saída de Castelo de Vide em direcção a Portalegre encontramos esta majestosa fonte dos finais do séc. XVII. Tudo indica que antes desta, existia ali uma outra. A actual fonte é de grandes proporções tendo um charco para animais. Construída na sua totalidade em granito, tem um jogo de nove pilares, nos intervalos dos cinco pilares sobre uma moldura que percorre todo o comprimento da bacia, possui quatro bicas encastradas em golfinhos de mármore branco. Na parte superior todos os pilares têm os respectivos capitéis mas, no entanto, esta fonte não chegou a ser totalmente concluída pois nota-se a falta de um tímpano superior.
Lenda da Fonte do Martinho (Castelo de Vide)
Versão de Castelo de Vide, contada por Maria Francisca, recolhida e publicada por Maria Guadalupe Transmontano Alexandre (1976) – Etnografia, Linguagem e Folclore de Castelo de Vide, Viseu, Junta Distrital de Portalegre: 61 – 62.
Havia uns reis que tinham uma filha que andava a namorar.
Como o pretendente à mão da princesa não era do agrado dos pais, eles resolveram encantá-la no lago do Martinho, o que fizeram de noite.
Simplesmente não viram que a um canto da fonte estava uma mulher agachada.
Como não havia relógios, ela levantou-se para ir lavar, julgando que era mais tarde.
Entre a meia-noite e a uma hora chegaram ao lago três pessoas: pai, mãe e filha.
Depois de ser confiada à princesa uma grande riqueza (deram-lhe dinheiro), foi encantada com a recomendação de oferecer o tesouro a quem a desencantasse.
Ao outro dia, logo a mulher que assistira à cena foi à fonte e bradou pela menina.
Esta acudiu, foi desencantada e disse-lhe:
"A tua riqueza podia ser a dobrar se tivesses esperado mais três ou quatro anos.”