Situated in a rural area, in a relatively isolated and surrounded by undergrowth, this megalithic funerary monument will have been erected between the four millennium and the second millennium BC. C., dating from 1868 the first excavations undertaken in this site by the investigator Pereira da Costa.
Although its present state of conservation does not allow obtaining a comprehensive view of its primitive structure, it is still possible to observe three of the granite stones that originally composed the sepulchral chamber, without corridor, in whose zone they are currently overturned. Equally visible are the remains of that which would constitute the primordial mamoa.
The absence of other architectural elements will be due to the reuse of various supports and slabs for a building that was, however, destroyed between 1990 and 1997. [Amartins]
Although its present state of conservation does not allow obtaining a comprehensive view of its primitive structure, it is still possible to observe three of the granite stones that originally composed the sepulchral chamber, without corridor, in whose zone they are currently overturned. Equally visible are the remains of that which would constitute the primordial mamoa.
The absence of other architectural elements will be due to the reuse of various supports and slabs for a building that was, however, destroyed between 1990 and 1997. [Amartins]
Situado numa zona rural, de modo relativamente isolado e
rodeado por vegetação rasteira, este monumento funerário megalítico terá sido
erguido entre o quatro milénio e o segundo milénio a. C., datando de 1868 as
primeiras escavações empreendidas neste sítio pelo investigador Pereira
da Costa.
Embora o seu estado actual de conservação não possibilite a obtenção de uma visão abrangente da sua estrutura primitiva, ainda é possível observar três dos esteios graníticos que compunham originalmente a câmara sepulcral, sem corredor, em cuja zona encontram-se actualmente derrubados. De igual modo visíveis são os vestígios daquela que constituiria a primordial mamoa.
A inexistência de outros elementos arquitectónicos dever-se-á à reutilização de diversos esteios e lajes para uma edificação que foi, entretanto, destruída entre 1990 e 1997. [AMartins]